Thursday 27 December 2012

Posted by Panko on 04:27 in , | No comments
Panko Recommends
Panko's Classic Movie
  • Entertainment Aspects: 5/5
  • Technical Aspects: 5/5
  • Creativity Aspects: 5/5
  • 'Classic' Movie?: 4/5
  • Overall: 4.75/5

Did I like the movie – ‘Avatar’?

I loved it man!!!! What an amazing movie! It not only showed me the magical world of Pandora, but it took me right into it! I wandered in Pandora with the characters in movie. Sometimes, got lost into its beauty! I touched the dimly lit flowers & they brightened…so did I!

I had my bison-horse to roam through the jungles of Pandora! Then I jumped from the Hanging Mountains & landed on back of Tremek, my flying Dragon-Bird! I requested him to go higher & higher in the air! And there it was! A beautiful view of the Pandora below!

It’s the world everyone dreams to live in…at least I do! It reminded me of Lothlórien, the fairest forest realm of the Elves! I could see Galadriel smiling at me! And there’s Arwen….waving her hands from the Gardens of Lórien!

All of a sudden there was a big hiss! ‘Nazgûls!’…..I heard Frodo’s voice from distance! And there he was…right before me! The Witch King of Angmar! On his deadly winged creature! ‘Fly you fool!’ cried Gandalf! And I did! Tremek was flying with tremendous speed! But Nazgûls caught us! I closed my eyes & was ready to accept my fate!

“Expecto Patronum” I heard the words. Slowly I opened my eyes…I could see the wizard pointing his wand in the direction of Nazgûls. His Patronus charm took the form of silver stag & suddenly the clouds cleared. I could sea the Nazgûls withdraw (to Mordor)

“Thanks Harry! Harry Potter!” So, I went to Hogwarts with Harry! I had a great time with Harry, Ron, Ginny & Hermione.

And suddenly came Eragon, riding on Saphira, his dragon! Tremek & Saphira happened to be the friends! We had a chat for some time & then he flew away to Varden!

And watch out! Who is down there? Oh my God! Its King Kong…chasing the natives! Suddenly there was a big roar! Everyone shuddered! I turned and looked in the direction! Could not believe my eyes! It was Aslan with Pevensie children! Susan sent a flying kiss to me, which I gladly accepted & readily returned!

It was the world (or combination of worlds) I always wanted to live in! As per Greek Mythology, opening of Pandora’s Box unleashes terrible things! But Cameron’s Pandora was completely different! It unleashed the beautiful world before its audiences.

Thanks a lot James Cameron for taking me to my Middle-Earth, Skull Island, Neverland, Hogwarts & Narnia! I will cherish this experience for lifetime!


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