Wednesday 25 December 2013

Posted by Panko on 00:59 in | No comments
Thorin Oakenshield, the King under the Mountain, continues his journey to Lonely Mountain along with fellow dwarves, a burglar (!) hobbit - Bilbo Baggins & the wizard – Gandalf. A journey to reclaim their homeland….. A journey to find their most valuable gem – The Arkenstone….. A journey to take revenge against an old enemy….an ageing dragon - Smaug!

Desolation of Smaug takes us back to our beloved Middle Earth. And it is as stunning and beautiful as it was in the past. It is the world to get lost into. And once you are inside, you don’t want to get back. Amazing 3D effects take us even closer to the action.

As we had already predicted, this sequel to – The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - is fast. Jackson took some time to build the story in first part. But Desolation of Smaug gathers the pace right from the beginning. There are hardly any dull moments.

So, Thorin and company make their way towards the Lonely Mountain. They pass through the Mirkwood forest, the realm of Wood-Elves. King of Wood-Elves, Tharanduil, is less concerned about what is happening in other parts of the Middle-Earth. For him, the safety of his borders is the only concern. This is why he did not help Dwarves when Smaug attacked Erebor (the Lonely Mountain). Would he let them pass this time? Or would it take Bilbo's presence of mind to escape the dangerous Mirkwood? Would Tharanduil’s son – Legolas, understand the situation and help Bilbo and dwarves? And how on earth did Bilbo gain the title of Barrel-Rider?

Along the way they visit the city of Dale, where they are helped by Bard. After the long journey they finally reach the Lonely Mountain. Would Bilbo be successful in finding the precious Arkenstone? Would the company of dwarves be successful in hunting down the dragon? Or would it enrage Smaug (the dragon!) to carry out further destruction?

Along with the journey of Bilbo and the Dwarves, Jackson, in parallel, tries to link this hobbit franchise to The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. And so far, he is succeeding in it.

While the dwarves are on their way to Lonely Mountain, an old enemy – Necromancer re-appears in Dol Guldur. The rest of the Middle-Earth turns the blind eye towards assembling of Army of Orcs and Goblins at Dol Guldur. In spite of their ignorance, Gandalf leaves the company of dwarves to confirm his doubts.

Has the Sauron returned? Would Gandalf be able to escape from Dol Guldur?

What would happen next????

I cannot wait for the third movie of the trilogy – There and back again. There are no doubts in my mind that it would be one hell of a movie and an epic conclusion to this Hobbit Trilogy!

  • Entertainment Aspects: 5/5
  • Technical Aspects: 5/5
  • Creativity Aspects: 4/5
  • 'Classic' Movie?: 4/5
  • Overall: 4.5/5


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