Wednesday 30 October 2013

Posted by Panko on 01:40 in | 1 comment
I had read a lot about 'The immortals of Meluha', a novel by Amish Tripathi. And to tell you the truth, it has got an amazing concept.

But sadly...that is the only thing which I found interesting about this novel.

‘The Immortals of Meluha’ is a first part of Shiva Trilogy. It is a journey of ‘Shiva’ – a Tibetan Tribe Leader, who becomes a savior of people of Meluha

Is he the Neelkanth as mentioned in the Prophesy? Would he fulfill his destiny?

The major distraction for me was the language. Since it was supposed to be a mythological novel, I had certain assumptions and expectations (may be 'wrong') before starting the reading.

It happens in 1900 BC. You cannot expect Shiva and other characters to use modern-day dialects and expressions. There is one instance where a lady doctor (?) of Meluha asks Shiva if he is free right now for taking the instructions. Shiva answers - 'I am free right now. But I may have to charge you later'. Funny, huh???

Sometimes, it was like reading a formal e-mail. A big letdown for me. I am Sorry. But this is not my cup of tea.

Another issue with 'The Immortals of Meluha' is that it does not move forward fast. We wait, wait and wait for some action, twists and turns. Alas, they never come. 

There are too many meaningless, technical (!) and unfruitful dialogues (again, my opinion). Each character is given a specific characteristic. And it follows the same predictable path religiously.

However, it should not mean that the book is bad. If it were so, it would not have gathered so much success in the market. Many people are buying and reading 'The Immortals of Meluha' as well as its two sequels. I have also heard that it is soon going to be adapted into the movie.

May be it is not my genre. May be I am too much into 'The Lord of the Rings' mould, when it comes to the mythological novels. May be I had too many expectations.

But still.....I did not find 'The Immortals of Meluha' up to the expectations.

1 comment:

  1. A journey, a visualization.... Amish with the whole new way of narration creates the complete scene at the place you sit and read this book.

    The start from where the reader gets to know the problems of Meluha, The extreme conditions of Kailash and the living conditions of the tribe and the life style of Shiva are well described.

    The Commander Nandi meeting Shiva and the journey from Kailash till Meluha. Awesome one Felt like I am walking with the tribe of Shiva.

    Description of the valley of Kashmir, Then the city of Meluha, Architecture, Life style, behavior, people are awesome.

    The meetings of Sati and Shiva , Love between them, the Vikrama belief are narrated awesome.


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